The Emilie Smith-Munch Branch

William's Branch

Emilie Smith-Munch
  • Mother
  • Young Adult
  • Actress (10), Silver Screen Icon
  • Aspires to be a super parent
  • Gregarious, Vagitarian, Creative, Cat-lover
Lucas Munch
  • Father
  • Young Adult
  • Business (6) - Senior Manager
  • Aspires to be fabulously wealthy
  • Business Savvy, Art Lover, Unflirty, Loves Outdoors

Angel Munch
  • Son
  • Toddler
  • Independent
Demon Munch
  • Son
  • Toddler
  • Charmer

Flower Munch
  • Daughter
  • Toddler
  • Silly
Luna Munch
  • Pet
  • Elder
  • American Longhair Cat
  • Curious, Spoiled, Fluffy

Generation One

The Smith Family has moved in to a wonderful suburban home in Willow Creek. Richard has begun working at the local hospital and has moved up quickly to the position of Assistant Nurse. As Izzie was still young, Elizabeth had decided to stay at home in order to care for the youngster. She enjoyed the quality time she is able to spend with her daughter, as well as her other two children, even if William can be a bit of a handful at times.

Once Izzie entered school, Elizabeth found it hard to be at home all day alone, and decided to begin a career. She found out she loved painting while on a date with her husband, and that became her career. [more...]


Emilie entered high school just as her brother moved out. Her experience with drama club in grade school taught her one thing, she wanted everyone to know her name. Emilie spent much of her time recording videos and posting them for the world to see just to get her name out there. She even employed her sister as her editor. Of course, employed is an apt word, and Izzie began to feel under-appreciated, and not just by her sister. After a fight with her mother, Izzie ran away from home. Fortunately she only went to her brother's apartment, and eventually she came back. It did teach her family not to take advantage of her though. They would go on to try and include her more. [more...]

Back-to-back birthdays plagued the Smith Family as Richard, Elizabeth, and Emilie all hit major milestones. Elizabeth has retired from her career as a professional painter, but still paints for fun. Richard has decided to stick with his job for the time being. Meanwhile Emilie is now a young adult and had a decision to make, to stay at home or go out on her own. She let her acting success decide the answer, and quickly lined up her first gig. [more...]

Emilie has enjoyed some ups and downs as an actress. Fortunately she had had more ups than downs and is now enjoying quite a bit of success and a wide range of roles. She enjoys the freedom her careers offers her, and has even gotten engaged. [more...]

In the end Emilie's career really began to take off. Unfortunately she felt that her current home, though nice, was just too small to raise a family. She and her husband, Lucas, decided it would be best to move. Once in their new island paradise the couple christen the new place by trying for a baby. as she was now pregnant, Emilie took a bit of a break from her acting career. [more...]

Emilie's first child

Still working even while not working. . .

Though Emilie had decided to take a break from acting gig until after her first child was born, she did not intend to let herself fade from the public eye just because she was pregnant. It didn't feel right for her to just do more videos to post online though so she decided to try something really challenging for someone as pregnant as she was. She was going to host a 25-hour live stream for charity!

On the surface this seemed like a terrible idea. Being as pregnant as she was meant that Emilie had to go to the bathroom and eat more often than your average sim, but she was determined to do it any way. Despite having to take frequent breaks, Emilie did manage to keep the stream going much to her husband and her fan's surprise.

A guys' night.

After Emilie's live-stream she headed straight to bed. Both her body and the baby in it ensured she was sound asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. This, unfortunately left Lucas with very little to do after work. Fortunately his guy friends wouldn't let him have a boring night. Though William had originally came over to see Emilie, he stayed to have watch a game with Lucas. Not only was there William, but Wolfgang also showed up randomly to visit Lucas. This lead to a bit of an impromptu guys night with kava and sports.

It's time! It's time!

Emilie was well rested, but her water broke as soon as she got up. It was time for panic as Lucas got her to the hospital. Lucas instantly ran to the front desk as soon as the couple arrived and somehow managed to convey to the receptionist that his wife was in labor. Emilie, on the other hand, just waited calmly on a sofa in the waiting area until the doctor was ready to see her.

Welcome to the world angel.

Thanks to the expert care of the doctor and the surgical machine the birth was relatively painless. Emilie soon welcomed a baby born into her family. In fact this was the first baby boy born in the Smith family since William seeing as Emilie had been next followed by Izzie than Morgana and Amellia.

In hopes that the boy would be easy going and not difficult Emilie and Lucas decided to name him Angel. Of course there are probably plenty of examples of people with that name that are anything but, but one could hope, right?

Now Back to our regularly scheduled programming

Time for another gig. . .finally!

Emilie had decided to take a break from her acting while she was pregnant with Angel. Now that her little boy was out of her and welcomed into the world, she was free to go back to work.

She found it oddly fitting that the first role she would get after giving birth to her first child was in a children's movie. Well at least she would be playing the hero, and, who knows, it might be fun to point at the pastel-haired character and say "that's your mommy," to Angel when he was older.

Emilie knew she was good actress, but she couldn't be sure if the reason she did so well in this role was because she had a child now, even if he was still a baby, or if it was just her sheer ability to play almost any role that was thrown at her. Either way the studio, and her agency, was once again very happy with her work.

Of course, Lucas didn't get a break from his job, so that probably made it easier for him to be promoted. Emilie was happy for him. They were both moving up. They had a nice house now, a son, and good careers.

All that glitters is certainly not gold!

Well at least he's not so helpless anymore. . .

Unfortunately, it turned out that one really shouldn't name a child Angel. The son was one of the fussiest babies on the planet, at least according to Lucas. Emilie had called her brother, at one point, to ask him how he managed. She was told that Morgana often needed to be fed at weird hours, but she was pretty quite otherwise, and Amellia was even easier. Angel certainly wasn't like the girls! It seemed he cried almost every hour on the hour and it was usually not because he was hungry or needed a diaper change.

William pointed out that both Amellia and Morgana had slept in the same room as them. Emilie noted that she had changed their office, which already had some childish wallpaper, into a nursery and that Angel spent most of the day there. William said that sometimes babies just need attention.

Fortunately, this wouldn't last forever. Eventually Angel became a toddler. Only now they had something else to deal with entirely. Angel didn't want attention, in fact, he just wanted to do everything himself. Emilie liked his independence, but, when it grew to defiance, it could be very frustrating. Both her brother's wife and her mother confirmed this was all just a part of growing up and that she just had to try and keep him safe.

Can pets live forever?

We have the means!

It wasn't long after Luna's death that Emilie started noticing strange things happening around the house. At first they were simple things, weird noises, unexplained movements, the odd sound of purring, those sort of things. Soon they grew into ghostly meows and even the ghostly image of the dead cat. Emilie took comfort in knowing that maybe Luna was still around somewhere or somehow. Part of her was worried that this was all just wishful thinking, but, once she interacted with the ghost, she knew it was Luna.

She waited until they had settled into their new house before asking Luna if she would want to be part of the household again. Emilie wasn't sure what she wanted to accomplish with the request at first, but Luna agreed. Than Emilie took a trip to the local vet clinic. At first she was just there to see the other cats that wondered in and try to comfort them, but, when she was browsing the treat kiosk, she noted something odd. An ambrosia treat. Ambrosia was thought to have the power to bring someone back from the dead. It was expensive, but the couple wasn't exactly hurting for cash, so Emilie figured why not give the treat a shot?

Welcome back to the land of the living!

Emilie brought the treat home and held it up for Luna's approval. Luna snatched the treat and ate it. Emilie wasn't entirely sure how the ghost was able to actually consume the thing, but was more surprised that Luna actually lifted up into the air and, once she was back down to earth, was now a living, solid, breathing cat again. Emilie was so excited to finally have her furry friend back she couldn't contain herself. The only question she had now, was how many more times could she afford to do this?

Time for Angel's first Harvestfest

Not liking the gnomes!

Ever since Emilie was a child Harvestfest wasn't exactly her favorite holiday. At the heart of the matter was memories of the curses her family suffered when Izzie decided the best way to deal with the holiday gnomes was to kick them. When these gnomes started showing up at Emilie's island paradise she wasn't sure what to do. She just knew kicking them wasn't the answer.

Fortunately, Lucas had a bit more experience with these gnomes and advised just giving them toys. It worked, for the most part, only now the house started getting flooded with seeds. The couple lived on a beach, where the heck would they even plant these things? Well it was certainly better than puddles, or trash showing up randomly, or appliances breaking.

Time for cooking!

With the gnomes now dealt with properly, for the most part, Emilie could just focus on the part of the holiday she was actually looking forward to, cooking her own tofurkey. Lucas wasn't sure about the bird-shaped tofu, but had gotten used to Emilie vegetarian eating habits, so he figured it was worth a shot.

One thing he loved was watching her prepare the "bird". She did so with such flare that it was almost like watching one of her performances. He could see how she had became such a good and popular actress, and internet star. Of course she had been performing since she was little, so that certainly also helped.

Grand dinner time!

With gnomes out of the way and "bird" cooked it was time for everyone to gather around the small dining table and express their gratitude for everything the received the last year. This was not exactly something that came easy to Angel as he was still learning his words, but he was able to participate and at least he seemed to enjoy the meal.

Once the meal was done and the dishes were in the washer it was time to put Angel to bed and for the couple to get to bed themselves. Only sleep wasn't exactly on the menu just yet.

More pregnant acting

The oven is full again. . .

It wasn't long before the fruits of Emilie and Lucas' Harvestfest activities became quite visible. The timing, however, could have been better. Emilie had already scheduled and passed a film audition. Fortunately her costume was pretty good at hiding her baby bump this time. Though she was absolutely certain no one in this time period would be doing anything she was going to be acting out while pregnant.

I can do anything, even pregnant!

Emilie was indeed good at her job, which was excellent for her now. Even pregnant she was able to perform just as well as when she wasn't. She even performed the fight scene with relative ease. In fact the feedback from her performance was nothing but positive and ensured even bigger and better roles would come her way. Not that Emilie had to wait for those roles to finally fulfill her dream.

The moment I dreamt about. . .

Ever since Emile was kicked out of drama club as a child, she had dreamed of her name in lights. Now, her name was not only in lights, but on a star that would forever stand as a testament to her accomplishments on Starlight Boulevard. Emilie had truly accomplished her dream, and she couldn't be more proud. Not everyone knew her name yet, but she was famous all over the globe. It was something to be truly proud of.

Of course that night there would be something else for Emilie to be proud of. Late at night she took another trip to the hospital where her babies were born. That's right, babies, as in two babies. Emilie gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, and she couldn't be more happy. So much so that she came up with a new goal in life. Emilie wanted to be as good as a parent as her father had been, if not better.

We need reinforcements!

We're being overwhelmed!

Emilie had surprised Lucas with twins. The twins weren't too difficult to handles as babies, but things would soon change.

Despite the fact that Angel was independent and could handle many things on his own, one toddler was enough of a handful for the young couple, two would have been pretty darn difficult, but three, three toddlers was just unimaginable. Though Angel was always capable of doing more on his own, neither Flower nor Demon seemed to inclined to be as easy going and both demanded quite a lot of attention.

What made things more difficult was the fact that both Lucas and Emilie worked. Sure Emilie's work schedule was pretty flexible and she was often only away for a few hours either for an acting gig or an audition, but those were sometimes a few hours were Lucas had to handle all three toddlers on his own.

One weekend while Emilie was at an audition things got to be too much for Lucas to handle all on his own. Angel was being particularly less angelic than usual and Demon and Flower were demanding a lot of time and attention. Lucas felt pulled in so many directions and that was before he could even think about working on his latest reports. If he was going to continue to succeed in his career he was going to need to hire some help.

Help has arrived!

With a Nanny now in their household Lucas felt much better as he began to work on reports. The nanny was no Marry Poppins of course, but he was quite helpful. Not only did he play with Flower and Demon, he help discipline Angel, cooked lunch, and even put on lessons for the toddlers. Of course he also seemed to watch a lot of television, but at least it was mostly things the toddlers could watch with him and he kept the toddlers entertained and out of Lucas' hair while he did his work.

In fact, when Emilie returned home, she was quite surprised at how well-behaved the children were and how clean the house was. Of course she wasn't sure about having a stranger in the home with their children, but she was assured the man was a professional and it wasn't like Lucas wasn't also there. Plus it wasn't as if they couldn't afford the man seeing as he didn't even charge them directly. There was also no arguing with the results. Emilie would invite the man back whenever she felt she needed the help and even encouraged Lucas to do the same.

Three toddlers and the Father of Winter

First Winterfest tree in Sulani, maybe?

Not long after hiring a nanny to help take care of the three toddlers that now outnumbered the adults in Emilie's household it was time for a holiday. Emilie still remember celebrating Winterfest with Izzie and her parents when she was just a bit younger. As she erected a Winterfest tree of her own she wanted to share those happy memories with her young family even if they wouldn't quite understand them just yet. She even invited the new nanny over not just to help out, but also to be a part of the festivities.

The nanny mostly watched the kids in the morning while Emilie and Lucas put up and decorated the three. None of the three kids were really old enough to be trusted around the ornaments, so this worked out for the best. Besides the nanny felt it was his duty to help make the holiday as special for the kids and parents as he could even if he was meant to be part of the family's festivities.

Maybe we should have a different tradition. . .

Emilie decided that, instead of waiting for dinner to cook the grand meal like she had done on the last holiday, she would cook an awesome breakfast. She also insisted that the nanny relax for a bit while she cooked the meal herself. Of course, she also hadn't been on a gig in a few days so she thought maybe she should record her efforts. Who knows maybe she could post it online? Emilie's internet followers must be rather bored by now. She hadn't posted anything in ages.

Presents for the twins.

After breakfast it was time for presents. To be honest Lucas wouldn't have minded waiting a bit, why get all the holiday festivities out of the way so quickly, but Emilie was reminded of opening presents in her pajamas when she was younger and that ended the argument.

In true twin fashion Demon and Flower both opened their presents at nearly the same time. Each received a toy, of course, but they would have probably been happy with anything. Angel, who was the most excited about the prospect of presents, didn't have to wait long for his toy. As for Emilie and Lucas. Lucas could care less about presents, but received an ornament anyways and Emilie, who was a bit more excited got a sculpture.

A Winterfest movie. . .

Despite it being winter, it was still fairly nice outside. With the help of the nanny the toddlers were carried upstairs where they would enjoy a movie while Emilie cleaned up and edited her video. There just wasn't much left to do this holiday and she needed to make sure she didn't completely fade from everyone's memories. Besides, she just wasn't that in to kids movies and the children probably wouldn't even notice she was missing.

Emilie finished editing and uploading her video just as the movie ended. This gave her some time to play with and educate her kids a bit before sending them to bed. Of course she remembered her last Winterfest with her family and the shock of finding out that Father Winter was, in fact, real. She wanted to prove what she had said to her husband, but the kids just couldn't stay up so late. Maybe she could wake them when he arrived. Of course there was the matter of them not having a fireplace, but she was pretty sure Father Winter would find a way.

Proof of his existance, again!

Emilie and Lucas dismissed the nanny with well wishes and hopes that he had an excellent holiday with them. They set about cleaning up the tree and preparing to end the day. While they were busy noises outside woke demon. Once he stepped out of his room he saw a man in blue placing more presents under the tree. The man turned to him and placed a finger over his lips with a wink. Demon tried to be quite, but he was just too excited and let out a scream of joy.

Not sure why Demon was screaming, Emilie and Lucas rushed back up to the living room only to see the cutest thing ever. Demon was hugging Father Winter. Emilie turned to Lucas as if to rub in the fact that the man was real just as she had said, but he was too dumbfounded to notice.

To be continued. . .