Final Fantasy Challenge: Final Week
· ☕ 2 min read
This is the final full week of my Final Fantasy 3 Week Challenge, but it is not the last we'll see of Final Fantasy! Catch the playlist and see how we did!

Final Fantasy Challenge: Week 2
· ☕ 2 min read
The second week of a three week Final Fantasy Special! Haven't made it passed Final Fantasy III. Had to do a lot of short streams and it is really kicking my behind. Maybe I'll finally beat the cloud of darkness tomorrow!

Final Fantasy Challenge: Week 1
· ☕ 2 min read
This week begins the first of three special weeks! A fellow streamer had decided to do a final fantasy month and I decided to join in…sort of. I already did the schedule for the first week of July, so I'm only doing the last three weeks, but its still a special three weeks of Final Fantasy!

Stream Recap: Week 8
· ☕ 2 min read
I've been streaming for two months and haven't technically had a full debut o:! I do plan on fixing that…just don't know when. I just worked on finishing my BRB card this week and played some Hollow Knight…I mean LOTS of Hollow Knight 😆

Stream Recap: Week 7
· ☕ 2 min read
It was finally time for a new card for OBS. After turning off my model too many times so I can take a break, I decided, I needed a BRB card 😝 I also went back to Hello Kitty Island Adventure and Persona!

Stream Recap: Week 6
· ☕ 2 min read
A fun mixed-bag of streams. Started the week with an art stream where I worked on a banner that would eventually also be turned into a new profile picture. Played only four games this week instead of five! Yay for embeds! Went back to FANTASIAN and other faves!

Stream Recap: Week 5
· ☕ 3 min read
I streamed all seven days this week…I don't think I'm going to do that again 😅

Stream Recap: Week 4
· ☕ 3 min read
Busy week is just about over! My first week streaming almost every day is almost over! I'm not sure I'm going to do another week like this, it was a lot, but I now I can do it!

Stream Recap: Week 3
· ☕ 3 min read
I've begun to ramp up my stream schedule just a bit so there are some were a few more streams this week than there had been in the last two weeks. As I mentioned, though, last week had two art streams, but I'll be putting the second one as the first for this week. Hope that's not too confusing. We also had a few game streams including my first throwback thursday!

Stream Recap: Week 2
· ☕ 3 min read
Quite a lot happened in my second week of streaming. I started the week with two art streams! Also a few things that happened since last week's recap, were a total of three game streams including a suprise stream testing Persona 3 Reload!

Stream Recap: Week 1
· ☕ 2 min read

Art Stream

If you want to see my first art stream, you can catch it in last week's news article! This week though, I started simple again by designing a template to use for schedule images and then put it to the test by creating this week's schedule! I think I'm getting used to making art on stream. Not very many people watch the stream so maybe that has something to do with it, but I'm not sure. I guess the only way to know is to see how I am with more viewers 😅 I still had fun though. You'll be able to catch it on YouTube.