Stray, what can I say about Stray? Stray starts with you immediately taking control of an adorable little tabby cat as he explorers the world with his liter-mates. This serves as an excellent why for you to learn the game, as well as a prologue for the story. The story quickly turns and things get very interesting very quick. The story was definitely not what I was expecting.
Overall the game is not bad. Controls are fairly easy if not a big finicky sometimes the graphics are nice and you can tell there was a lot of attention-to-detail where comes to the cat and its movements and mannerisms. The story is also very interesting even if it is a bit unexpected. The game, however, is also very short. I completed the game in less than 10 hours.
As I mentioned, I completed the game in under 10 hours and there is even an achievement available to complete the game in less than two hours. For certain games, this length is not bad, but this is not a fast-twitch shooter and is very story-driven so the length is a problem. It feels like there isn't enough content to warrant a full price. This might not be as much of a factor if you don't pay full price, however.
This is where I admit that I played this game on my Steam Deck. The Steam Deck to a fair job with the game and it looked very good, but the hardware did limit how detailed and sharp the graphics were. I believe this is more of a problem with the hardware and not with the game. The game has great potential and I'm sure the cat looks very nice and fluffy on better hardware. The art direction and style is great and the cities look crowded and lived in and yet abandoned all at the same time.
The story is great! Again, if the game wasn't so short it would be awesome and that is mostly because of the story. Maybe it would have been better as a movie, but I'm not sure how it could have been done. The medium does actually suit this style of storytelling. If only it was a bit longer. There is a story though, and it is deeeep. I won't spoil anything, but, if you're looking for a cute game where you're just exploring a city as a cat, well you might be disappointed, but, if you keep your mind open you might enjoy the game for its awesome story telling and emotions. By the end of the story I really felt for my poor kitty. Don't worry though, there is a good ending!