In Little Witch Nobeta you play as a little witch who lost her memory. She goes on a journey to the one place she remembers, a throne in a giant castle, in hopes of finding her memory. Along the way she meets a cat who is very insistent that she makes it to the throne!
If you like souls-like games and cute little girls, this game is for you! It isn't just cute though there is a pretty nice, but somewhat predictable story and some pretty tough battles. Combat will get you if you aren't prepared but there is one over-power spell that will likely carry you for most of the game as long as you remember it. This can be helpful but also makes the combat a bit…samey
At the beginning of the game combat can be a bit difficult and this game likes to through lots of enemies at you at once. With your first spell and only melee attacks it can get overwhelming. Fortunately, you start to feel very powerful pretty quickly as you gain spells and souls.
Part of the fun of this game is upgrading your spells and your stats. As you upgrade these your begin to gain more and more power making you feel like a pretty awesome witch by the end of the game. Getting to that point can be challenging, but this challenge is also what makes this fun. You will be punished, but there will be a pay off.
Honestly game play is great, combat is pretty awesome if not a bit challenging at first, the game is really fun, but it only has three stars, well, that's because the story is…not so great. There is some interesting points, and I'll admit I didn't experience the entire story, but that's part of the problem. Playing the game only gives you a part of the story. As you play you will again items, these items unlock little motion comics, but these can only be viewed once you complete the game and much of the story is locked in them. This makes for a pretty mediocre story during the game. Now, I mostly play games for the story so this might not be as important to others. It is something to be aware of though.
The style and art direction of the game is pretty nice. Nobeta and the other girls are very well designed and adorable. The game's enemies are also nicely designed. Rooms and corridors are nice and there are some pretty cool areas. There is a little disconnect between all of these things though. It was almost like characters, maps, areas, and enemies were all designed by different people, yet it all does seem to work out pretty well in the end. Nobeta is cute and you'll enjoy the game if you like her!