Stream Recap: Week 5
· ☕ 3 min read
I streamed all seven days this week…I don't think I'm going to do that again 😅

Stream Recap: Week 4
· ☕ 3 min read
Busy week is just about over! My first week streaming almost every day is almost over! I'm not sure I'm going to do another week like this, it was a lot, but I now I can do it!

New Template
· ☕ 3 min read

As I work on various art assets, like stream overlays, frames, cards, and my vTubing model, I have settled on a kind of brand for myself that revolves around a few colors. While I love this site, its design, and the various color schemes available for it, I wonder if it will serve this kind of "brand" that I am building for myself on Twitch. I'm thinking it would be best to make this site an extension of the brand.

Stream Recap: Week 3
· ☕ 3 min read
I've begun to ramp up my stream schedule just a bit so there are some were a few more streams this week than there had been in the last two weeks. As I mentioned, though, last week had two art streams, but I'll be putting the second one as the first for this week. Hope that's not too confusing. We also had a few game streams including my first throwback thursday!

Stream Recap: Week 2
· ☕ 3 min read
Quite a lot happened in my second week of streaming. I started the week with two art streams! Also a few things that happened since last week's recap, were a total of three game streams including a suprise stream testing Persona 3 Reload!

Working on P3!
· ☕ 3 min read

In my Stream Recap for this week you won't find a Persona 3 stream, but I did have one. It was a surprise stream and you can catch it on my Twitch page. I'll also be in next week's recap, probably. Anyway, I also worked a bit on the Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough this week.

The Stream Recap!

You can see it my link! I have decided how I will handle news and stream schedules! There will be essentially two tags "news" and "recap" but you don't have to know that unless you're looking specifically for streaming news versus regular news. You can also just look at the tag "stream" for everything to do with streams.

Stream Recap: Week 1
· ☕ 2 min read

Art Stream

If you want to see my first art stream, you can catch it in last week's news article! This week though, I started simple again by designing a template to use for schedule images and then put it to the test by creating this week's schedule! I think I'm getting used to making art on stream. Not very many people watch the stream so maybe that has something to do with it, but I'm not sure. I guess the only way to know is to see how I am with more viewers 😅 I still had fun though. You'll be able to catch it on YouTube.

Am a Streamer Now
· ☕ 2 min read
If you've been around my site for awhile than you probably know that I am an artist and a writer. Well, I haven't really been doing much writing of late, other than school papers, but I'm still a writer, okay? Well, anyway, I have a new hat! A streamer hat!

Still Haven't Broken It
· ☕ 4 min read

I know last week's new article sounded a little bleak and I even told you not to expect weekly updates any more, but, well here I am! I wanted to give myself a bit of an "out" because of how I was feeling. I'm still not feeling great, but I'm here and I am working on updates. Unfortunately, the one you will see will look like a removal of something and not updating or adding anything. Don't worry, it will be back later and in greater numbers 😆

A Case of the "Mehs"
· ☕ 4 min read

Do you ever just have times in your life, or maybe just a day or a few hours, where you just don't want to do anything? Like no matter what it is you are doing, even if its something that usually brings you a lot of joy or something you're normally really passionate about, you just can't seem to enjoy doing it. I'd honestly like to know if I'm the only one 😅 Well this has happened a few days this week and rather than coming up with something to update the site with, I decided I'd talk about this a little and the struggle with this one is so real for me.

Moar Persona News
· ☕ 4 min read

After finishing the easiest S-Link guide ever, I have to admit I have not really gone back 😅 I have mostly been playing through Persona3 Reload and P3P. Of course I still have work to do. Fortunately, it seems that the amount of work as decreased a bit since I am more used to the new processes. I also am still working on some stories and ADVENTURES, but most of that work isn't seen until I'm ready to release it 😅

New Quarter More Work
· ☕ 2 min read

I think they underworked me last quarter and now this quarter they decided to overwork me 😆 I'm kidding though, but only a little. I do have a lot more work to do this quarter each work than I did last quarter, but its not a terrible amount. I am hoping it gives me a little bit more hours and more money though. I'll find this out on my next pay check.

Spring Break Over
· ☕ 4 min read

Forgive me for not having much to update this week. We did have a little fun with April Fool's Day this year and that's good enough for me, but I need to put out a bit of an update to see if I can clear that and I do have a few things to talk about so I figured I'd put out a small news article this week and focus on getting my work and shtuff ready for the next quarter.