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Stream Recap: 20 Oct

 ·  ☕ 3 min read

Art Stream

I worked on some more emotes! I finished one and started another. I really like doing emotes, but there's kind of a new challenge to them. You have to do shading and coloring just right to make sure that things show up at all scales. Its a new adjustment, just like learning to rig. Its fun though and I look forward to making more!

Game Streams

Normal selection and amount of games this week! Started the week with some Prey and ended with Corpse Party again. Hopefully I won't need to recover after every Corpose Party stream, but it was quite emotionally draining this time 😅


Got passed on set of phantoms only to spend most of the game trying to get passed a different more power enemy. I ended up killing it with fire, no joke, check it out! There's even a clip of it!

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

I found my sister again and learned a lot more about the village. It has a history for sure, and not a good one. I'm kind of worried sister is going to run off again, but she is super clingy now, so maybe she won't, we'll see I guess.

A Plague Tale: Innocence

The roller coaster ride continues as one character gains the ability to manipulate the rats. They aren't friends for sure, but they are useful, only they're still deadly and scary. I don't think that'll ever change.

Corpse Party

Yeah, this is the one I literally needed to relax for several hours after playing. A lot happens and its a lot to process. Its a very sad story. I'm glad I didn't go through all the victim's memoirs in this chapter this time though! Well, let's see if I do better in the next chapter!

Next Week

Next week the streams will be mostly on Twitch again, with two on my YouTube Channel! Homework days are still here, but it seems two might have been a bit excessive, so we'll try just one this week and hopefully I'll still get everything done!

Schedule for Week 10/21 - 10/27
Week Day Where I'm Streaming What I'm Streaming When I'm Streaming
Monday Twitch Art: We do more emotes! Emotes are fun! 10 PM ET/7 PM PT
Tuesday YouTube Corpse Party: These kids have been through a lot, let's check in! 3 PM ET/12 PM PT
Wednesday YouTube Prey: Why is it so hard to blow up a space station 3 PM ET/12 PM PT
Thursday Twitch Fatal Frame II: Sister better not run off again! I'll be very cross! 10 PM ET/7 PM PT
Friday Twitch A Plague Tale: Rats are friends, rats are enemies, rats are scary! 4 PM ET/1 PM PT
Saturday Homework Day Offline
Sunday Rest Day Offline