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Commissions are OPEN!!

 ·  ☕ 2 min read

This week was not as small as last week, but the updates are still few. One thing is that I've been doing a lot of thinking and I have decided to open up commissions! Other than that, and, as far as this site goes, I have also decided not to wait until I have completed No Man's Sky to write about it. You can consider this my first impressions of the game. As I said, I am planning on writing a full review once I have completed the main story missions, but I didn't want to wait that long because I really like the game!

About Commissions!

After the success of my last commission, I have decided that I would like to do more of them. Once again I have to thank my friend for giving me the opportunity to work on commission. I have a forum post up where you can let me know you are interested in a commission. We can even start work shopping the idea in that thread or I'll DM you. If you don't want to register on the forums, that's fine, you can also e-mail me or contact me using the information posted at the bottom of every page to get a hold of me. At the moment pricing is done per project, but I will estimate everything for you! Thank you in advance!

First, first impressions!

I have also written my first impressions of No Man's Sky. I wanted to, once again, say that these are just the first impressions, but I did put a star ranking up. I will write a full review when I have completed the main missions, but I'll leave up my first impressions too. I think it would be really good to be able to compare how my thoughts change, if they do, when I finish the main story. As always you can comment on my review using either the comment box on the page or a forum post.

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I kid, sort of. Normally I have three heading in each news article, but I didn't really come up with three things. Thought that would make a funny heading, but than I ruined it by explaining it, huh? Or well. Let's all start looking forward to next week and may more commissions! YAY!!